Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Birthday Celebrations

29 November 2013

I had a two day birthday celebration. On Tuesday we went to pick up a rental car so we could drive around and see a little bit of Knysna.

So we dropped the dingy, packed everything and headed for the car rental place. Luckily most things are close to Knysna Yacht Club, so we didn't have far to walk.

Once we got there Benjamin greeted us and we very friendly in helping us with the car, he even gave us an upgraded car.

We drove off and decided to go for a drive around be for we headed to Andy's house, he invited us out for supper when he came to look at the boat.

We drove the Knysna heads where we saw how to leave. At the height we where the waves looked fine, but my dad kept saying in will be a bumpy ride out.

As we where talking around the heads we saw a guy propose to his girlfriend. I wasn't sure what to do, do you congratulate them? Or just leave them because they are complete strangers? We gave them a congratulations, and continued walking.

We got in the car and headed to Andy's house. It was easy enough to find. They gave us great direction, very detailed and accurate.


We spent the evening having a couple of drinks and having a lovely stew.

I made a plan to stay up until my birthday. I lay in bed watching movies on my phone until midnight, that's when my mom and dad came in the room to wish me happy birthday.

We got up early that morning, and had a nice home cooked breakfast. We then had to race out of the house so we could make it to the Cango Caves.

We dove down the road and saw a road block. The police pulled us over and asked my dad for his driving licence.

My mom announced to the police that its my birthday and they all decided to sing "Happy Birthday" to me.

After listening to the choir of police, we headed for the caves. We got to the caves at the same time at every tourist in South Africa. The Cango Caves are the biggest caves in South Africa. But with the amount of people there, we didn't have enough space to move around freely.


We then headed for lunch and the ostrich farm. We arrived and they started the tour. We held baby ostriches and fed adult ones.

We were then escorted to a different location where they set up a ostrich riding event. Only two of us went for a ride. Only one of us came back not screaming or having heart failure. I was that one. The youngest and the bravest.


We then took the long drive back to the boat. We got onto our sinking dinghy and got back onto the boat. We spent the rest of the evening watching our new series "Dexter".

The next day we decided to take a road trip on the garden route. We saw a 3D maze and puzzles place. We decided to stop there after the garden route.

The 3D maze had everyone of us confused. We spent about an hour trying to find our way around. Once we had all finished we headed for the puzzle games.

After beating the puzzle games we headed home again. We got back to the boat in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day watching 'Dexter'. I'm sure my parents are more obsessed about the show then both Kyle and I put together.